The party season arrives with a shift to all things sparkly & glitzy with a palette of metallics guaranteed to outshine even the most beautiful trees.
Christmas chic is achievable, easy and cost-effective if you take the time to plan ahead. Forget trends don’t be tempted by shop windows and fancy magazine layouts. know how you want to look, and what’s affordable & achievable.
Here’s what works for me
The shoes are in silver glitter colour and texture that adds interest to my feet. A heel that’s the height for elegance & dance.
A long satin neutral skirt the detail at the waist lengthens my legs
Costume jewellery in gold and an appropriate bag with gold detail to match.
faux fur chic
The finishing touches and if you can’t wear fun fur at Christmas ..well move over Scrooge. The easier & cheapest buys from thrift stores. I own 4 in different colours all under ten pounds. The jewellery looks rich against a plush finish, diamonds sparkle the whole look is elevated.
Daytime glamour.
Do not head out to the shops buying something to wear twice and then 51 weeks later it doesn’t fit or is so untrendy you throw it out. Invest in some show-stopping pieces that will truly elevate your ensemble.