Age before style
Amongst the many photos taken for Instagram or blogs occasionally an image sums up a time and place in your life that captures a moment that words cannot grasp.
This picture is where I am now in my life’s journey of nearly 55 years. The hair streaked with natural grey no longer the bleached blonde, eyes slightly heavy and I’m wearing a classic Zara trench with flat comfortable moccasins.
It’s difficult to find your style in your fifties the body changes and so do your needs it’s complicated, emotional, personal.
Wardrobes like fridges carry items with expiry dates, clothes that are no longer suitable, well passed there usage, poor fitting garments which are no longer suitable for your current lifestyle as we go through life we change our magazines, books, cars etc to adapt to our needs but as the body changes are the clothes you are wearing and buying right for where you are now.
Nobody likes change but the better dressed you are the more confident and happy in your body you will feel.
Accepting change …read more